And this be a REAL emergency not a fake one like da blizzard.
Haters bitched because during the state of emergency I had declared for the snow storm, I played two shows at the Rams Head Tavern for da lobbyists and my fellow Dem fans. But seriously, snow never hurt anyone. The MD Dems were frolicking in it and makin snow balls.
But with Isaac missing, who is going to turn on the (moon)bat signal and alert the Dems that O'Malley is in trouble?
Dems need to be callin in to Ehrlich's radio show tomorrow to tell him that he's a big meanie.
Last night, I was partying it up in da Irish bar with my lobbyist friends and fellow Dems. (And damn right, I'm gonna get myself to safety first, before I tell those fools that there might be a fire in da bar.) Today, as you can tell by the slang, I be the one updating the official twitter. (Thankfully, they taught me how to delete drunk texts) . I could be out havin fun, but tonight on a damn Friday, I be trying to alert all the Dems.
*Sigh* O'Malley be working damn hard to keep his job

No more (moon)bat signal? :(

What will I do if no one is listening to me? I don't want to talk to myself...
Right after I posted this, Isaac Salazar made his tweets private and kicked me (fakegovomalley) off his twitter friends list :(
Who will I get to turn on da (moon) bat signal now?
I have to work now :(
Have u been drinkin again? I can see all his tweets now and I don't have even have a twitter account.
I dont get it. Why cant I see them then?
He must have blocked your crazy ass then. Even Dem officials don't like you. You need to give it up and go back home, O'Malley
Shut up Repb.
It sounds like Isaac has been a very naughty boy. Hopefully, he comes home soon...
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